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Guest Lecture: Dr.Yaniv Roznai | Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments & Challenges to Populism
2017/07/03 Yaniv Roznai: Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments
Democratic erosion and the Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments Doctrine
Dr. Yaniv Roznai I International and Human Rights Law from the Margins
Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in times of democratic erosion with Yaniv Roznai
Could Israeli Face a constitutional crisis? Yaniv Roznai at CNN
20191031 CCPL seminar by Dr Yaniv Roznai
Dr. Yaniv Roznai - ‘Who will Save the Redheads? Towards an Anti-Bully Theory of Judicial Review
[What are YOU going to do with THAT?] Episode 2 - Promo
Prof Yaniv Roznai explains the meaning and motives behind so called softened proposal. March 23,2023
I-CONnect Video Interview Series: Unamendability, Featuring Yaniv Roznai
How to Fight Back Against Populists, Politely